Post News or Article

You can now Send A Article. 

Yes, its another opportunity to the potential, loaded and Intelligent writers in FUOYE.
Do you love to write wonderful articles?
Do you have something you want to share with us?
Are you a writer that wants to be featured on our site?
Do you have a story you'll love to share to Fuoye society?
If Yes!!! then continue reading.

Fuoyehub is opening up a valuable opportunity for students who wants to write, contribute, share articles , report news in his/her locality, department, hostel or the campus community at large. You can reach averagely all Fuoye students, taking this opportunity will avail you the opportunity to connect to more global audience and other potential opportunities that can open through this. It’s actually easy to make use of this platform. All you have to do is send us your write-ups in form of a decently typed article or directly paste it via the link that will shared below this post.

Your News or Write-Ups must be accompanied by the following:
1.) Your Full Name 
2.) Your Department & Faculty 
3.) Your Phone Number 
4.) Your E-mail 

NOTE: Articles can range from topics on relationships, education, health, politics, lifestyle, motivational, stories, review, news, entrepreneurship, etc. We will keep your details confidential except you give us the permission to make it public. Pictures and Videos of News reported are held in high esteem as that at most times could only be the readily available means to confirm the veracity of your report and hence make our work of publishing it very easy and faster. We also have the right to modify your reports/submissions where necessary to suit our reaching audience.

But before forwarding your articles, ensure you adhere to the following guidelines:
1. The writer must be a student of FUOYE or A graduate of FUOYE.
2. Articles should be original i.e. not copied from a different source that is not originally yours. If some information is derived from other sources please state the source in the article.
3. Articles should, as much as possible refrain from insults directed towards a particular gender, ethnic group, race, or religious group. Any article that is guilty of this is more likely not to get published.
4. Articles should also be fairly accurate where dates, events, and places are mentioned.
5. Articles should, as much as possible, be grammatically correct and void of glaring grammatical errors. This does not mean vernacular cannot be used. This does not mean we frown at creative use of words, if you write in Pidgin English, ensure you adhere to proper spelling and refrain from using words with ambiguous meaning.
6. Articles should have a picture related to the article topic included in the article. This helps out a great deal as our blog system lays out articles with a picture thumb. but when unavailable, the editor holds the right to attach any picture he deem fit before publishing such article.
7. Reports in form of Advertisement or Promotion will not be published. ( for advertisements, use the Contact Us link or send your requests to
8. Reports or Articles with adult contents will be automatically ignored.

Having satisfied all the Conditions above, you may now proceed to reach us for your write up to be published within 48hours with copies of the edited draft sent to the original writer before publishing.

Forward your articles to  Or a as a WhatsApp Message to 08104353170 and 08138145468
Regular guest contributors stand the chance of the opportunity to be recruited as part of fuoyehubteam.
For further questions contact Fuoyehubteam Editors.
Perfect 08102819701
Emilia. 08138145468.
Tobi. 08188231402
Thank You!

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