13 Jan 2017

Current State of Fuoye Strike

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Informations reaching us early today stated that as at today 13th January, 2017 the lecture theatres especially that of Ikole campus are still on key and lock..
Though it was observed that the main school gate that was previously looked as been opened to ease movement and transportation within the campus.

Nevertheless information reaching us says that the Non Academic staffs pledged not to resume without proper and full attention to their request and petition, though they agreed with Academic staffs(lecturers resuming).
The Vice Chancellor Prof. Somerekun speaking on the ongoing Strike, as asked staffs to trend softly, as things will be attended to in due time, that as a man of Dignity, his main priority is the progress and improvement of the school  and not otherwise..

Below are pictures of the current state in school as at today 13th January 2017.

We also got a confirmation from Nuesa P. R. O in quote below 

"The latest news concerning the strike is that
Teaching staffs (lecturers) would resume work on Monday but the non-teaching staffs are still on strike.
Therefore lecturers resumes on Monday.


We promise to keep updating you on this.

fuoye ikole

fuoye faculty engineering

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