14 Mar 2017


Let us talk about developing a structure and target for your desired level of success. You want 5 “A’s” out of 14 courses? Then work towards it. You can’t hang around with your phone all day and expect to achieve your desired goal. You can’t be on instagram liking pictures and never opening your notebook and expect to be at the top of the class.

Facebook and Twitter is great but when it begins to take all your time, it has become poisonous for you. How often do you open google to research academic materials or how to solve tough equations? Are blogs all that you are concerned with? Gossip? Then you should not wonder how or why you are at the base of the class.
One very big mistake that is common with people generally is comparism. Instead of you to understand your strengths, know how many hours you need to read per day to understand a topic, you spend all your time on social media just as Tricia does!? Then when results are out and Tricia aces them with ease, you start telling yourself that Tricia isn’t that brilliant and she must be sleeping with a lecturer. However, Tricia has discovered from early secondary school days that she needs to pay 100% attention in class just once to get a topic and she never even misses classes for that reason but spends all her extra time on social media. Besides, Tricia always had a passion for accounting and numbers but accounting was thrust upon you somehow and you are not the type who understands easily in class, yet you want to tow Tricia’s part and excel as she does? It can’t work.
One very important step to take towards excellence is understanding your person. The following questions are questions you should ask yourself on the journey to self-understanding
Am I a nocturne or am I diurnal? A nocturne is one who is more active at night while a diurnal is more active during the day. Most nocturnes find it easier and quicker to read at night. A nocturne may spend 5 hours struggling to cover a topic during the day for which he would spend just 1 hour covering that same topic at night. A diurnal enjoys his/her own activities during the day.
In what kind of environment can I read: noisy or quiet? It may seem logical that everyone prefers to read in a quiet environment but nothing could be farther from the truth. I have a friend who CAN NOT read in a quiet environment and I’ve met a number of other people like that. They insist that when they carry their books in a quiet environment, they struggle very hard to assimilate and most often end up sleeping off or leaving the environment frustrated. My friend makes a deliberate effort to look for a noisy place so that he can assimilate fast and get what he’s reading over with.

Cloned From : https://realteenagegirlnetworkblog.wordpress.com/2017/03/02/developing-a-structure-for-academic-excellence-i-ebun-esohe/
Author : Ebun Esohe

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