18 May 2017

See the Response from Fuoye SRC to allegations against them.


The SRC cabinet now turns to a comic, What is really going on.
Two responses from unspecified sources were released on Whatsapp today concerning the allegations leveled against the cabinet of FUOYE SRC

See the  Responses extracted below.


     A Judas Iscariot is definitely sure to surface in every gathering of disciples and a Lucifer in every angelic gatherings and like a philosopher would say; "the highest form of foolishness is when you talk before you think. Its believed that a leader should not just be ranting without thinking of the subsequent reaction or aftermath; however if " Hon.comr  Amure" was a true leader and also  success and achievement hungry; he should have thought before going into the social media to tarnish his own image in the name of singling himself out as a sheep amongst foxes.
     I only wish he reads through and ponder over his handwritings once again. Please let Comr.Hon. or whatever tittle he has acclaimed come out again on the social media to state his own quota in the development of the council and even if SRC was failing; it is expedient for you Hon.Comr. to put hands together and fix something out without letting it out;but I'm beginning to think if you are not also visionless and self-centered because out of about fifteen members of the SRC; you're coming out to fault the whole association, even an illiterate would not dare such. well, this is a University and we should expect different form of brain species. You also claimed in your second post that you were at the government house, the same action you are allegating some people of doing, please has the Engineering lecture hall or workshop been shifted to the govt house? Please state your facts well next time.
     Mr.Engr. Hon. Comr,I might not see the bad of the SRC but as a concerned student;I'm able to see one or two of their achievement which you who is in the council has been blindfolded to see,even if it's just for the 20naira bus the SRC has achieved; it has saved a lot of students thousands of naira and I'm sure they should have done more if people like you were not in the cabinet. Please, just in case of next time, be supportive to any cabinet you find yourself in the future.
    Well,I'll end up by saying Mr.Hon.Comr; if you want the speakership position, go and collect it.😀😀😀😀😀
# irepFUOYE
# irepUNITY

The second one stated below

*When you stand for nothing but the truth among the ungodly.... What do you expect?*

All his allegations are but an empty context. He himself does not understand the demons that are behind him. And another thing of him is that (Amure Olatunji, president faculty of engineering students) is hungry for post and power.

*```He has decided not to be submissive because he thinks maybe he has reached a post that no one has ever assumed before as a president of a faculty) his mere noise is of no use to the entire reasonable students of FUOYE.```*

_I believe that AMURE OLATUNJI MICHAEL is already regretting his actions, which he will definitely pay for._

_Socrates said " *When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser"....*_

It's expected... Everybody wants to lead but not led

Discard any news from such an angle. Stay blessed.

We believe there is something fishy in the SRC,

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