16 Aug 2017

ASUU FUOYE officially Joins Strike.

News just reaching us stated that the ASUU Executives and her members as been into several cruel meetings, as they came to a conclusion with meeting held today at the main campus Auditorium..
After so much deliberation and disagreement,  the Asuu body came to a conclusion of Confirming the Strike after the general General Congress of ASUU FUOYE CHAPTER today 16/08/2017 at around 12:45pm..

It was clearly stated that during the period of the strike, there shall be no teaching, no examination and no attendance of statutory meetings of any kind in any of the branches (public universities) . In the bulletin signed by Ogunyemi, it was recalled that ASUU had to embark on a six month strike between July and December 2013 and the strike was suspended when government signed an MoU with the union. “Of all the items contained in the MoU, only the N200b out of a total of N1.3tr of the Public Universities Revitalisation (Needs Assessment) fund was released,. The union also embarked on a one week warning strike in November 2016 to press for the implementation of 2013 MoU. However government did not implement the understanding reach between the union and Federal Government base on the intervention by the leadership of Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria”. Stating further, Ogunyemi said “The union has also met with the 2009 Agreement Implementation Monitoring Committee, IMC, and had written several letters press releases and communiqués on the outstanding issues to no avail. The National Executive Council, NEC, of ASUU then met at the University of Abuja on August 12, 2017 to consider the result of a referendum from all branches in a bid to ascertain ways of convincing government to implement outstanding aspects of the 2009 and the MoU of 2013”. Ogunyemi listed the outstanding issues with the Federal Government to include: payment of fractions/non-payment of salaries; non-payment of earned academic allowances, non releases of operational license of NUPEMCO; non implementation of the provisions of the 2014 pension reform act with respect to retired professors and their salaries, removal of universities staff schools from funding by government and funds for the revitalisation of public universities.

1 comment:

  1. I just pray the government gives them their entitlement in order to be able to resume on time.


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