6 Feb 2018

Freedom of choice, Social Media and the New Age


The more things change, the more they remain the same.
This quote exemplifies the simple fact that almost all the major structures of the world are basically the same, its

only the form that changes with time. The root remains, the leaves shed in due season.
The advent of social media and the internet has led us into in an illusion that we independent in our thinking process. That is far from the truth considering the fact that the BIG BROTHER called social media influences our opinions on major issues affecting our existence.
The old media powerhouse; mostly daily tabloids and magazines wielded immense power in shaping the thoughts of most people. At the turn of the century, we fell in love with the pseudo freedom that came in form of opening emails, social network accounts. 

Alas, we were wrong, just like the powerful newspaper editors and proprietors, we are being remotely controlled. Stories that get the most mentions on the trend lists are what we likely ruminate on.
The whole world is awash with trending stories on the internet and most times a single tweet or comment is sure to spark uproar in the digital space.  Retweets and shares are seen as endorsements.
Algorithms are powerful enough to predict our interests. These algorithms are really not given power without our knowledge. They are there staring at us whenever we are asked to pick our interests in the sign-up process. 

With these simple tool, our personalities can easily be predicted.
The arena of politics is not left behind as we have seen in recent times how social media has led to the emergence of new governments all around the world. The only drawback of this incursion is the ease at which alternative facts become undisputable facts.
Is this really the best time to be alive? That question will be answered generations after our sojourn on this planet. 

It will be critically examined after we are all gone and the jury is out to examine if our existence and inventions did not alter the social and emotional fabric of the human race.
Welcome to the New World.

Written by Adebayo Mobolaji.  

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