9 Apr 2018

Fuoye Release Matriculation List, Date and Deadline of Payment for Freshers


This is to inform all staff and students that the 7th Matriculation Ceremony will come up on Thursday, 12th April, 2018.
Consequently, all fresh students are expected to pay their school fees on or before 3rd of April, 2018. Any student who does not meet the deadline for the payment of school fees will not be matriculated. it then implies that any student who fails to pay up on or before Tuesday, 3rd April, 2018 will forfiet his or her admission
ALL FRESH CANDIDATES: This is for your information and necessary actions to ensure strict compliance.
The following contains the list of admitted candidates ready for matriculation. Kindly note that if your name is not found on this list, it therefore means you are yet to use the PINS collected after Bank Draft submission at the University Bursary to commence registration on the Portal.

 Check the list on the school website by clicking the link below 

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